Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Senior Concerns

“Senior concerns” surfaced in our Parish Survey and Assembly as deserving more of our attention. These concerns run the gamut of issues “seniors” have for themselves and issues facing adult children as they care for their parents. Two “listening sessions” have been scheduled to name specific issues and to get a better understanding of these issues. The first is for “seniors” themselves at 12:45PM on Wednesday, February 10. The second is for seniors and others (e.g., adult children, care-givers) on Wednesday, February 10 at 7:15PM. Cristina Hendrix, a parishioner and a Nurse Researcher/Practitioner at Durham VA’s Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC), and a Senior Fellow at Duke’s Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development will facilitate our discussion. Please spread the word!


  1. Actually, NOT anonymous. See below. I think this is a great idea. Senior seems to be a relative term these days. Did you have a minimum age in mind...55, 60, 62, 65?? So are the "senior concerns" coming from the seniors themselves, or from other parish members "about" seniors in their lives?

    Thanks for starting the parish blog. Once it catches on, it should be an interesting forum for discussions.
    Amy Oliphant

    Sorry--selected anonymous since I wasn't clear how to do a profile--Amy Oliphant

  2. Again--Not really anonymous. See below
    Ooops....guess I answered some of my own questions when I re-read your note above. See, that's one of the things we seniors or "pre" seniors need to pay more attention!
    Amy Oliphant

  3. Good question about age! Those in their 30s said 50, those of in our 60s said 80! But I think 65 was the arbitrary choice designating one a "senior."

    The concerns have come from all ages. Folks 65+ made suggestions re: the paticular needs they face in everyday living. And some who are caring for parents or friends in their senior years made suggestions about how the parish can help them provide that care.
    Fr. Dan
