Thursday, January 21, 2010

Immaculate Conception Parish
Strategic Plan Goals


From our worship to our world in the spirit of St. Francis, Immaculate Conception will be a grateful and giving parish making a difference in the lives of others.


• Communicating thoroughly
• Establishing a united parish
• Providing opportunities to serve
• Building community


The Sunday Mass Experience

Goal: Immaculate Conception will plan and celebrate Sunday mass as the source and summit of our lives through the full, active, and conscious participation of our people.


Goal: The Immaculate Conception leadership team will be characterized by an understanding of, and a willingness to meet, the needs of parishioners, as well as having a dedication to providing timely assistance to those wishing to access information and services available within the parish and the community at large.


Goal: Immaculate Conception will be a parish where all are invited, welcomed and affirmed, and where diversity is celebrated and a sense of intimacy is cultivated.

Social Justice

Goal: Our parish community will develop and implement a comprehensive and sustained education effort to form laity for living the Church’s social teaching.


Goal: Immaculate Conception Parish will establish and maintain a progressive, multifaceted and coordinated communications program designed to build community; promote parish unity; and provide timely information on planning, parish activities, and opportunities to serve.

Adult Faith Enrichment

Goal: Immaculate Conception will survey leading adult formation programs to identify best practices, and then implement exceptional and appealing adult faith enrichment opportunities in the Parish.


Goal: Our Parish will seek to deepen its understanding of stewardship as a way of life by promoting a grateful and engaged community of parishioners generously giving of their time, talent and treasure.

Senior Citizens

Goal: We will develop and implement a strategy that is founded on listening to, and providing care for, the senior citizens of our community to assure they are fully vested in, and contributing to, the life of the parish.

Young Adults

Goal: The Parish will nurture and build support for young adults, in both the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities, by providing theological and spiritual formation, leadership development and service opportunities to assure they are welcomed and encouraged as they come together to connect socially and explore living out their Catholic faith together.


Goal: Our community will expand the present bereavement program into a more comprehensive ministry to broadly serve the related pastoral needs of our parishioners who grieve the loss of a loved ones.


Goal: Immaculate Conception, by year end 2011, will have organized for, and begun the process of, developing a facilities use and building plan designed to accommodate the growth of faith formation activity and our office/meeting space requirements.

1 comment:

  1. A suggestion: If this blog is going to be the primary space for parish discussion about the strategic planning process, it would really help if the goals were broken into separate posts. I have some specific comments about a few of the goals, but having any kind of interactive discussion would be difficult with everything lumped together. Thanks!
